Picture in front of the hut


"In 1953 this hut was built in a quiet place, close to the woods, serving as an apiary and an orchard. For generations, it was used as a weekend retreat in the so called "Mooswiesen" in Barwies/Mieming by my grandparents. As a result, this hut still holds a special value in my family's heart."
Hans-Christian, father of the bride

On the 13th of August, at 3:30 pm, the hut opens its gate and thus the party can start. The wedding is going to commence in front of the hut at 4:30 pm.

Since we don't want anyone to starve to death before the wedding, there's going to be drinks and snacks close by. The official wedding diner, will be held after the ceremony at the "Moosalm". In the meantime, you're going to be joyfully forced to be part of a few pictures, but afterwards, you'll get food, we promiseā€¦

Picture of the way to the hut